Brand positioning
Company data
Concept testing
We believe that coherent strategy is at the heart of every successful brand, and understanding where that brand is positioned is an important starting point for this. At Criterion, we employ the latest thinking in brand research and can apply a number of methodologies in our research, including focus groups, online panels, and depth interviews.
All too often we see agencies take their framework and shoe-horn every client’s problem into that framework. We believe that this makes for easier research, but doesn’t always suit the exacting needs of the client.

Business strategy can only be of greatest value when there is an appreciation of market outlook in the context of where it is to be applied. We take a medium to long-term view on markets, thereby allowing clients to position themselves for relevant opportunities and be cognizant of potential market risks.
Our market intelligence support takes it away from the textbooks, classrooms, and theory, and creates real insights that are actionable and of direct relevance to your business.
Company data is just that – data, until it is turned into meaningful insights that can be of value to the organization. We can take your data and act as a sounding board to confirm its validity, or disseminate it objectively among your colleagues.
We can provide a fresh, objective perspective on your data, allowing you to appreciate it in ways that are both familiar and new with the greatest value.

As part of this support, we are able to test a variety of creative routes which you may wish to pursue. We identify the route which research uncovers as most effective to get your message across, and then develop strategies for optimizing their effectiveness.
To deliver this support, we may investigate a number of areas including delivery of communications, clarity of message, and perceptions.
Our insights help organizations to develop a better understanding of how they are positioned in the minds of their target audiences, be they internal or external.
As a starting point for this service, we will develop an organizational benchmark for current perception. Following on from this we will monitor and track how this reputation develops over a period of time.
Armed with these insights, we can provide our views on how you can shift these perceptions, so that you are in control of your corporate reputation.

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