Q & A
Brand positioning
Company data
Concept testing
We are usually asked
What types of research do you do
Although we can cover a broad range of research areas, our focus is very much on brand strategy and market intelligence.
How long have you been doing this research for
Our consultants have been providing advice and guidance to clients for over 20 years.
What types of organisations do you support
We consult to a wide range of organisations, both large and small, private sector and government agencies.
Are you linked with any other consultancies
We are linked with Cognalis Pty Ltd, which we trade under for business purposes.
Didn’t find the answer – email us
Didn’t find the answer to your question here ? That’s ok, please use the form below to email it to us and we’ll do our best to get that answer back to you.
Do specify how your question relates to our five core disciplines. If it doesn’t that’s ok as well, we will do our best to get the most appropriate answer to you, though beware that may involve directing you to one of our partners.
We look forward to hearing from you !!